Pollution - The Silent Killer
Pollution, the silent killer is all around us. If you have never heard about pollution, pollution occurs anytime when something detrimental to life is released in the environment. From water to soil pollution, unfortunately, the Earth has been plagued by a variety of types. So many parts of our day to day lives cause pollution, but we rarely think about how much we need these resources that we are slowly destroying.
Air pollution is caused by automobiles that we use for transportation. From cars to planes, all gas propelled vehicles emit harmful chemicals into the air. Everytime we use automobiles, we contribute to the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This raises temperatures of the environment which is where global warming and ozone layer problems have come from. However, the harmful effects of air pollution do not end here. This form of pollution is also directly connected to respiratory diseases. In fact, WebMD says that air pollution now kills as many people as smoking does. Luckily, new types of electrically powered transportation and forms of group transportation like buses, can help to lower air pollution rates.
Land pollution is something less often spoken about, but it is directly associated with the classic phrase: reuse, reduce, and recycle. This form of pollution comes from trash and waste with paper and plastic. When these toxic materials are released into the environment, harmful chemicals escape from their composition and end up all throughout the world. However, this type of pollution can be strategically reduced by recycling more or using items like reusable water bottles instead of plastic ones.
The final major type of pollution is water pollution. This type of pollution is incredibly dangerous because it harms both aquatic and land life. Harmful chemicals and materials that come from land and fall into the water can suffocate and poison the plants and animals underwater. Meanwhile, this can also lead to water and food pollution for humans and animals on land that mainly rely on aquatic diets. One way to prevent this is to remind people to throw away trash mindfully. Even trash on the ground can fly away into lakes and oceans.
All these types of pollution are incredibly detrimental to the health of plants and animals around the world. However, this does not mean that there are no possible ways to try to resolve this. Even a small action, like recycling one piece of trash each day, can have a permanent impact on the world.
Picture Source: moxsie.com