How Does Genetics Play a Role in COVID-19?

 It’s 2020, and coronavirus has taken over. Despite its prevalence, it is still a relatively new virus - there is so much we do not know about it. So far, it doesn’t seem to have any boundaries and can affect pretty much everyone. Yet what if I told you that there are certain genetic factors that will make the virus more severe?

A study was conducted where they analyzed thousands of genes from hospitalized patients in Italy and Spain. The results showed that those who were severely affected by COVID-19 had DNA changes in a small group of genes on chromosome 3. A couple of these genes code for chemokines, which are proteins that are released to signal immune cells to attack infected cells. Now people with this mutation had a defect where their body would release too many chemokines causing their body to go into overdrive. This means trouble since the body is attacking its own cells too rather than just the infected cells. You may be wondering where this chromosome variant came from. Well, science suggests that the virus originated around 60,000 years ago in Southern European Neanderthals through interbreeding. So, the choices the Neanderthals made thousands of years ago are affecting us right now.

Now, I realize that this study doesn’t represent the majority of the world, but it is certainly a start to finding answers with this new disease. There are a huge number of other factors that can affect the disease’s severity such as age, sex, preexisting medical conditions, and so much more. There is still so much to discover about this virus, but for now, wear a mask, wash your hands, and social distance.

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Samanthaka Nandam- CuriouSTEM Staff

CuriouSTEM Content Creator-Genetics


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