Theories in Physics: Quantum Mechanics - Quantum Entanglement
We discussed Shrödinger’s Cat in the previous article, but what if we took this example one step further. Imagine an experiment with two cats in two separate boxes with the result being one of four outcomes. The two cats could either both be alive, both be dea, one alive and the second dead, or the first dead and the second alive. The outcomes of both the cats can be described as being in a superposition state.
However in the realm of Quantum Mechanics, it states that the outcomes where both cats are alive and where both cats are dead can be erased from the record. This would result in the idea that either one cat will be alive and one be dead in the end. This would mean that the outcomes of the cats are entangled and this leads us into the phenomenon known as Quantum Entanglement.
Quantum Entanglement states that two sub-particles that have been entangled, and exist in a superposition state will have opposite outcomes regardless of the distance between them will interact with each other this way as long as they are entangled. This property has been re-invented many areas of technology in the modern era. From phones to cars, Quantum Entanglement lies currently at the intersection of security in the future and understanding the past.
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