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The Future of Technology

When we envision a futuristic world, we visualize mechanized systems, robotic assistance in daily life, levitating vehicles, high-end cities, and more. These fantasies may very well be a reality some day, as our world is headed towards a new era of technology.

The revolutionizing inventions we see today define the stepping stones of what is yet to come. Of these inventions, we see a unique class of technology that is emerging as of late, which can be defined as “artificial intelligence”. This broad term refers to a rather simple concept: embedded intelligence and responses from computers and machines similar to, and if not, even more than what humans can process.

Obviously, machines do not process information in the same way humans do. For this, there are many different types of computational processing such as machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, and more. A system needs a sort of brain to dictate its fundamental activities, and to also drive its input to output responses.

For example, humans continuously learn things naturally due to our ability to process and perceive information. But for a machine to do the same thing, it must be programmed to do so, and this continual process of learning from several iterations of various commands is called machine learning. Humans possess such capabilities by nature, while machines and computing systems need to be hard coded to perform similar functions.

As we assist computer systems to learn and become more complex than they already are, we are promoting their intelligence and their abilities to carry similar capabilities to that of humans. In short, we are implanting artificial intelligence into a machine to think and work much alike humans.

Decades ago, such intricate processes could not have even been comprehended. Robotic systems speaking, performing tasks, and even thinking like humans was such a far-fetched idea. Society has progressed into a system where humans show much reliance on technology each passing day, where emerging concepts we see also seem to be supported and invested upon by many.

It is with no doubt then that it is somewhat accurate to claim that new ideas and artificial enhancements to existing systems will soon play a vast role in the future.
It seems that in the end, society will still evolve with the technical advancements that are posed. But with growing intelligence and complexities within systems, we could perhaps experience even more transformative prospects in the near future. The emerging technologies, such as those categorized as artificial intelligence, will directly or indirectly grow to eventually govern the basic day to day life of every individual.

Perhaps we will see high-tech societies as we have envisaged. With growing knowledge, in both humans and machines, there is a multitude of possibilities set for the future.

Picture Source: ScienceFocus