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A Diamond Planet?

Astronomers have estimated that planet 55 Cancri e has a radius double the size of Earth’s radius (3959 miles) and that it is 8 times more massive than Earth, and because of this it is also been dubbed “Super-Earth”! After studying the planet is composed of atleast 1/3 of carbon, which is the core component of diamonds. They further revealed that its surface is mostly made up of graphite, underneath a thick layer of diamond. The diamond layer is over a deep layer of silicon-based minerals with molten core of iron.

The diamond composition on this planet is equivalent to 3 times the mass of the Earth! Researchers at Yale University estimated that this planet is estimated to value about a whopping $26.9 nonillion (30 zeros after 26.9). To get some human perspective to this number, the world’s GDP according to the World Bank is only about 142 Trillion (source: Statista 2019) USD, which has only 12 zeros.