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Coding Languages

What languages do you speak? Maybe you speak English or Spanish or French. Can you speak more than one language? Languages help people worldwide communicate with one another, just like English and Spanish computers understand binary, to communicate with computers we use code. Think of coding as a way to translate a language such as English to binary to help the computer understand you.

Just like spoken languages, there are many different coding languages such as HTML, CSS, Python, Java, and Javascript. Each of these languages helps us communicate in different ways with our computers. For example, HTML is Hypertext Markup Language HTML is used to create the structure of a website such as a bulleted list, paragraphs, pictures, or data tables. Another coding language is CSS which is Cascading Sheet Style which is very similar to HTML they both give structure to the website however, CSS is used to format the layout of a website and customizes the font’s color, style, and more.

Next, there is JavaScript, which is a text-based program that creates interactive aspects on a website such as video players, animations, and GIFs. Python is the most well-known coding language. This language is used for software development rather than web development, this includes back-end developments, software developments, data science and writing system scripts and so much more. Lastly, there is Java which is another common coding language because of its simplicity. It is often used to create applications that can run on a single computer or distributed among computers in a network.
Learning coding languages can be very useful and luckily it is not that hard to learn. You can use many resources to learn coding, for example, edX, Coursera, Udacity, and many more. Learning these languages opens many possibilities, you can design websites, create apps, and much more as you build communications with your computer. The possibilities are endless.

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