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Basic Web Development Technologies

It is impossible to learn web development without knowing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (JS). Although web development has grown increasingly complex over the years and continues to advance, these three coding languages are the heart of web development. The combination of HTML, CSS, and JS leads to an infinite amount of possibilities!

Building a web page is like building a house. HTML is the framework or architecture. It holds all the building blocks of the web page. Some examples would include titles, paragraphs, images, links, or buttons. Some formatting options are embedded into HTML, and it could be used singularly for a web page, but doing so is considered outdated and inefficient. Ultimately, HTML is not pleasant to the human eye. So CSS is brought in for the design and style. This includes things like color, fonts, layouts, and even basic animations. Sidenote: making a web page pretty is not the main point; the main point is user readability, but it is still neat when the site looks cool. Much like a house, webpages need to do more than exist and look nice. That is when JS comes in. JavaScript is like electricity or plumbing. Using JS codes gives the web page functionality. Some examples would be showing/hiding information with the click of a button, sliding through a carousel of images, and changing the color of a button when you hover over it. Unlike HTML and CSS, JS is a logic-based language.

All three languages have a lot of depth and range, but most people would say only JS is a programming language and is growing in popularity for purposes outside of web development. JS can store useful values inside variables, manipulate different datatypes, run functions based on the flow of control, and do many other things. This makes JS significantly more powerful and versatile than HTML and CSS. Regardless, all three play an important role in developing web pages.HTML contains and structures the content. CSS styles that content. JS allows users to interact with that content.