Prove: STEM = FUN!
Each Saturday, we’re virtually teaching 70+ students about the wonders of STEM. With presentations over interesting topics such as moon phases and carnivorous plants in an interesting and digestible format, our goal is to ignite a passion for STEM in our students!
“Creativity is intelligence having fun” - Albert Einstein

Our STEM Story Sessions
Moon Phases By Sanjana Hiremath
Carnivorous Plants By Meera Bhakta
Electric Cars By Amit Ramasubramanian

GMOs By Grace Wang
Our Bizarre Universe: Wormholes By Alex Valdes
What Are Water Spouts? By Meera Bhakta

Water And it’s Properties By Amit Ramasubramanian
Artificial Intelligence- What is Facial Recognition Technology? By Sidhya Peddinti
Springs and the Theory Behind them By Abhi Patel

Exploring the Possibility of Life in the Solar System By Alex Valdes
The Future, Part 1: Upcoming Space Missions and Technology by Alex Valdes
Self Assembling Robots- MIT Research Labs by Sidhya Peddinti

Fiber Optic Cables By Abhi Patel
The Far Future by Alex Valdes
Limnology By Meera Bhakta

Flora and Fauna by Meera Bhakta
The Rise of Robots in Surgery by
David Oluigbo
Weird Matter! By Alex Valdes

Virtual Reality by David Oluigbo
Elementary Particles by Alex Valdes
Electric Circuits by Abhi Patel

Perseverance By Alex Valdes
Rocky Visitors By Alex Valdes
Scratch and Raspberry Pi Programming By Sidhya Peddinti

Artificial Intelligence - Open AI Applications By Sidhya Peddinti
Magic Mirror- Raspberry Pi Applications By Siri Peddinti
The Technology Behind Self Driving Cars By Sidhya Peddinti